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Sex Chat Costs The average price for a private one-on-one show is $2.70 a minute. The models that are the most sought after command significantly more. These are the models that have built up a fan following and are very popular on the site. They can get in upwards of $7.00 a minute and more for a private session. By applying the Price filter on the site, you can sort the models by their sex chat rate to find the most expensive or the cheapest girls. The cheapest rooms go for $1.05 a minute. These rooms are typically filed with girls that are newer to the site and have yet to become the professional PornLive models they aspire to be. The rates you pay per minute are inclusive of turning on your own webcam during the private show for the model to see what you choose to show her. But, be advised that activating the 2-way audio connection does require an additional fee of another credit a minute. And, if you are accessing the site over a mobile device, activating the c2c and 2-way audio features will both cost an additional credit a minite. These prices don't put PornLive at the bottom of the list compared to other webcam sites. However, the differences are not that big, and for what you get from it, it will be worthwhile paying an extra buck or two.